Sheep - Dark grey sheepskin on a black low (5 cm) base Sheep - Dark grey sheepskin on a black low (5 cm) base Sheep - Dark grey sheepskin on a black low (5 cm) base

Sheep - Dark grey sheepskin on a black low (5 cm) base

$ 88
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Product Description:
Traditional clogs come in several styles, materials and in many colors
Clog leather, synthetic, natural grain leather, real cowhides, felt and more
The traditional "Smedtoffeln clog is manufactured on a low (5 cm) base, we now also make a dressier style on a high (7 cm) base
The wooden base comes in natural, black, brown or red
Traditional clogs comes with/without edge binding, with/without a strap over the top
We have a new clog that has a flexible back strap, that can be worn as a decoration over the top, or a support behind the heel

Item ID:

Produced by: Wikinggruppen
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